Rounding Precision
Rounding Precision lets you change the decimal position of the Unit Prices instead of manually entering the values.
You can preset the Unit Price decimals, then using this feature, round up or down the decimals. The job’s default Unit Price decimal is set to 2.
There are two decimal selections to understand. In the Settings form from the Backstage View, Decimal Precision lets you to calculate how many decimals to display.
In the Cost Basis form from Job Properties, use the Unit Price decimal to calculate the Total Price.
In the following screen shot, the Rounding Precision column is set to 2 for each pay item with the exception of Mobilization, which was changed to -2. The -2 means to the nearest $100.
Change the 2 and 3 pay item row's Rounding Precision to 0 and 1. The Unit Price changed accordingly. In doing so, you are moving the decimal to show tenth, zero, ten dollars, or in the Mobilizations case to the nearest $100.